Dec. 22 & The Not Knowing

The Not Knowing had driven me to ask strangers in the street if they’d ever relinquished a child, to ask my mother if I looked like this girl or that, to weave a magical fantasy that my older female cousin was actually my mother, to take a 23 and Me test to make sure I didn’t have the BRACA breast cancer gene lurking in my DNA.
The Not Knowing had driven me to the depths of many things.
Let’s Talk Memoir Writing: A Sneak Peek at “The Power of Memoir to Heal Your Heart and Claim Your Story.”

This year’s virtual conference is titled “Honoring the Past, Treasuring the Present, Shaping the Future.” So it seems fitting that I will present a session on memoir writing titled,“The Power of Memoir to Heal Your Heart and Claim Your Story.”
The Adoptee Army Uprising at Pokagon State Park

Yet no matter how supported we feel online, it does not compare with being together in flesh and blood. A moment when we join forces to stand up for not just what we believe, but what we know without a shred of doubt to be true. The holding space, the lock of eyes, the warm hug, the tears shared; and sometimes on occasion the real-life call into battle of the Adoptee Army.
“Parallel Universes” by David B. Bohl – An Adoptee Memoir to Remember

Like the sailboats dotting David’s life, his story glides across the page; a sturdy hull gracefully parting the sea of his dark past, propelled by resilience, telltales of truth leading the way. A natural born storyteller, David’s prose washes the page with sobering detail. Like a tide, it ebbs and flows, navigating the jetties of his life.
Attachment, Identity, Adoption: 10 Related Quotes by Dr. Gabor Maté

Dr. Gabor Maté is a well-known figure in the fields of addiction, stress, and child development. His work on these topics has given birth to many insightful quotes, many of which, due to our own separation trauma, and/or traumatic childhoods that followed, resonate with adoptees.
Summer Reading: The Adoption Memoirs Inside this Adoptee’s Beach Bag

“Where better to read an adoption memoir than on the beach in front of my childhood home,” I thought, stuffing more books than I knew I’d be able to make time for into my suitcase. A bottle of 70 SPF sunscreen, floppy hat, towel, and swim suit, lay all helter-skelter atop, The Gathering Place by Emma Stevens, Goodbye Again by Candace Cahill, and Parallel Universe by David B. Bohl. I’d met all three authors a few months earlier at the Untangling Our Roots conference, in Louisville, Kentucky.
A Tribute to Patricia Long Legs

Patricia Long Legs was born 12 years ago, July 16, 2011, in the pasture facing Camelot Lane, the day I met my birth father Jerry Knight and step mother Susan.
A Father’s Day Post from the West End of Galveston Island

My adoptive father and my birth father, met for the first and only time in Galveston, Texas, at a west-end marina, sometime between 1953 and 1961, a decade or so before I was born.
Eight Books That Healed This Adoptee’s Heart

Eight Books That Healed This Adoptee’s Heart Healing, and the individual journey we each take on our unique paths, has been on my mind lately. The National Association of Adoptees and Parents recently invited me to speak at their Fall mini-retreat “Journeying Together Toward Healing.” Across two sessions, I will share my personal story and […]
United: The Healing Power of the Adoption Constellation

United: The Healing Power of the Adoption Constellation Community “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” – Coretta Scott King Tweet Never have I thought of myself as a joiner, and rarely do I feel like I fit in. Growing up it was the same, not […]